Be Unstoppable by Connecting to Yourself
Have you ever felt like you’re out of place? That no matter how successful and happy you are, something doesn’t feel quite right.
Acknowledging this can be hard, and taking action can be harder. But that doesn’t mean you can’t!
Leslie Logan, founder of Online Pilates Classes, shares with us the secret to becoming unstoppable. After following her curiosity and her gut telling her “Oh, it’s not the right place yet”, she has finally conquered herself through Pilates. Now she’s a coach who wants everyone else to experience the wonderful journey that she had. Her biggest lessons in life are:
- Don’t take things personally. Other people’s opinions are not a reflection of who you are.
- Own your values and be consistent.
- Don’t wait until you have all the resources you need, and start the messy action!
She didn’t have it easy. She was searching for a place where she belonged, and she found it in the Pilates community.
The Power of Community
To achieve your goals, you must be in the proper environment.
Surround yourself with like-minded people who share the same visions as you. It is very nourishing to the soul to open up to someone about your business, health, and all the things you care about.
You will feel a natural sense of belongingness when you connect with like-minded people. You won’t have to force yourself to fit in their circle or lower your standards to match theirs.
To be at the right place at the right time with the right people is indeed a momentous event—and a rare one in life.
How can you get there? Connect to yourself first.
You cannot give what you don’t have.
You cannot connect to others if you are not connected to yourself. And once you are, it would create an avalanche of good things. You will become unstoppable.
You can be the better version of yourself.
Better parent.
Better partner.
Better boss.
Better person.
You can love others better. But you must love yourself first.
Loving yourself means connecting to the inner part of you. When your brain and body are in alignment, you will feel coherence. That’s presence. And you can say, “I am actually fully here for my life at this moment.” You will have full control over who you are, and you will learn to love every part of it.
And when you finally achieve that, you can do almost anything.
You can face fear.
Do It Scared
Having to switch from a space where you’re comfortable with and actually doing good at can be scary. But if you know that you don’t belong there, you have to move.

When your guts tell you that even after all the efforts you’ve exerted and all the times you’ve dedicated to achieving what you have now, something’s still not adding up—listen.
How many times have we ignored those nudges?
I’ve listened a lot quicker now because I know what not listening sounds like.
So if ever you have that intuition again, take courage and respond. Courage is not doing things without fear. It’s doing things despite fear, with fear.
Fear is always there. It’s just that I don’t let it take away my choices. Once you develop that confidence, what scared you before won’t scare you as much anymore.
Get Started Now
Everybody is a beginner at the beginning. It sounds trivial, but it makes more sense when you realize that that’s when you’re going to discover how much you’re willing to fight for it.
Do it before you’re ready.
This is especially significant in this time of a pandemic. Don’t wait until you have the money. Don’t let anyone ever make you fear taking a leap in your business or your life during a time of economic crisis.
Feed Your Curiosity
If you have read up to this point and you’re still wondering, “What do they mean?”, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered.
Join Lesley’s week-long program where you can learn about the wonders of Pilates and discover the power you can unlock when you connect to yourself. It’s open to beginners and non-beginners alike. So if you have already done Pilates before but still haven’t experienced the alignment that we’ve been talking about, feel free to join us!
As long as you can lay on the ground and move your arms and legs around, you can do Pilates wherever you are. This will be a map-based full-body workout in 15 minutes. You can go to to get more information on that. Don’t forget to tune into our podcast and other Coachable episodes!
January 13, 2022