How I Turned My Dreams into Reality
We all have dreams.
But it’s up to us to decide whether they remain dreams or they become our new reality.
Two years ago, creating a podcast that inspires people’s lives was only but a dream to me. Now, I’m proud to have created not just a podcast, but a safe and healthy space for people. People who want to improve themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally. A space where people can overcome their past traumas, express their deepest truths and fulfill their goals. They can strive to become their best selves day after day.
How did my journey start?
Let me show you a prayer that I wrote on June 27, 2019:
“Today, I claim that all things are working together for my good even though I don’t see it yet.”
Writing those words, I started treating my goals as possibilities. I made the conscious decision to finally give myself permission, to finally say “YES” to the steps I had to take, to get to where I wanted to go.
The defining “YES” moment happened on a beach in Maui. I was in deep self-reflection. The result of that trip was a moment of clarity about the purpose of my life and what I’m meant to do in this world. It also became clear to me that the life I was currently living wasn’t in alignment with my highest truth.
“Am I going to continue what I’ve always done? Or am I going back home and actually change things for real?”
“I have been made abundantly aware that my life matters, and I’m alive because I’m meant to serve and do something that matters in this world.”
Spending years climbing the corporate ladder made me realize that I didn’t want to be up there, and I wanted to do something that mattered to me. I wanted to make a difference in people’s lives.
“There’s so much power in claiming what’s yours.”
Connecting with my own voice was nothing short of a cathartic experience. I consciously suppressed and muted that voice for a long time. It wasn’t until I started to see some patterns in my own life that were resulting in things I didn’t want to continue creating, that I started listening to that voice and ultimately claiming what is mine.
When you claim your success even before it happens, you begin to think of yourself as a champion. Then you start acting like a champion by improving your habits and forming new ones that can help you accelerate your progress.
“There’s a lot of uncertainty, a lot of fear, and a lot of calculated risks that go into moving that ball forward in any area of your life.”
Just because we’re champions, doesn’t mean we don’t make mistakes.

Along the way, I still had to take strategic risks. I had to allow myself to look stupid in doing new things for the first time. For me to be better at something, looking foolish (at first) was an absolute necessity. The mistakes we make don’t make us less of a champion. Mistakes give us the opportunity to deal with them as a champion. Every failure is a lesson, and it is through applying those lessons that we learn to overcome the upcoming obstacles.
“I am where I am today not only because of my lived experiences, but also because of amazing teachers, coaches and mentors in my life that have shed light on what’s possible.”
I wouldn’t be where I am without the people who helped mold me. I would not have gained my motivation and sustain it through discipline without the help of my teachers, coaches, and mentors.
Breathe in your power
Some of my most valuable mentors taught me the importance of connecting with my body through breathwork. I used to be so disconnected from my body, living inside my head my entire life. Breath became an access point, a bridge to my deepest truths.
We’re often so caught up in our own thoughts (more or less 80,000 thoughts in a day). Breathwork is way to turn the mind off. We can go back home to our body, the vessel that protects us and keeps us safe. In the end, we’re all souls having human experiences inside of our bodies.
Our bodies take care of us and communicate with us. When we wander too far in our thoughts it’s like a mother reminding her child, “You’ve wandered a little too far into the future. Come back here in the present moment.”
Thinking too far ahead inevitably creates feelings of anxiety. This keeps us from growing. This keeps us from getting things done. Though it’s normal for us to worry about the things we can’t control, we need to be present when this happens. We need to be aware of what we’re feeling and catch ourselves before we go down a spiral of thoughts.
One way to become aware is through pausing before reacting. Pausing can make a big difference when you’re currently experiencing feelings of anxiety or uncertainty. Think about whether you want to dwell on something you can’t control, or if you’re going to move forward and focus on what you can control.
“Focus is power.”
You have the power to remove your attention from something and put it somewhere worth your while. So, focus on acting on your dreams. You can create anything from scratch as long as you give yourself permission and have the will to materialize your plans.
Say goodbye to thoughts of probable struggles in what you’re about to do, and start thinking about the fulfillment you’ll get from achieving your goals. What are you waiting for? Write down your dreams on a piece of paper and claim what’s yours!
Need help in improving your mindset?
The Coachable Masterclass on Identity is a FREE workshop! You can become a happier, more confident, and more successful you in 90 minutes. Register here for the Coachable Masterclass: Identity
If you’re looking into an in-depth way overcome limitations and step fully into your purpose, sign up for a 12-month transformational journey with me on Coachable University.
December 9, 2021